SB423 Abuse Hotline

This is the bill that will become law in Montana on July 1st if we don’t stop it.

Section 21. Hotline. (1) The department shall create and maintain a hotline to receive reports of suspected abuse of the provisions of [sections 1 through 23].

(2) The department may:

(a) investigate reports of suspected abuse of the provisions of [sections 1 through 23]; or

(b) refer reports of suspected abuse to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in the area where the suspected abuse is occurring.

I’ve always felt that Cannabis should be as legal as beer, but I’ll settle for as legal as 80 proof.

One day, quite recently, it struck me that there has to be a reason that it is still as illegal as it was the day I was born, at least as far as the US government is concerned.

It struck me that there has to be a bigger picture to why this plant, that is far and away the most useful abundant plant known to mankind, is still outlawed.

Medical Cannabis is wonderful, and to those that say it is a stepping stone to legalization, I say “THANK GOD” because we need to start educating the people about the usefulness of this plant somewhere and where better than health or rather lack of it which, I would venture to guess, is in everyone’s top 5 concerns.

Ask yourself, what are your top 5 concerns? And I mean really boil it down.

Can we safely assume health?

How about Food? Maybe not your list, but are there millions or is it billions that go hungry more days than not?

It’s probably hundreds of thousands or less now that rely very little or not at all on some form of energy from petroleum products. Does energy make your top 5?

A roof over your head? A shirt on your back?

I can’t say those are my top 5, but they are the top 5 of the plant we call Cannabis Sativa L.

So then why is this plant still forbidden? Is it lack of education? Or is it by design?

I, personally, have to come to the conclusion that it is both and that the education needs to include the information beyond just Harry J. and William Randolf’s little escapade way back in the 30’s.

The next time someone says “Dope’s a dangerous drug” AGREE WITH THEM. And start naming off who it’s dangerous to…

Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Government, Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, Coal mining, Lumber industry, probably a few more, feel free to add them if you think about it at the time. Let them know that they have been lead to believe that it is dangerous to human life but that it really isn’t and in fact quite the opposite.